July 2012 Newsletter

For the June meeting we were to have Tony Handford with us but he was unable to join us so we hastily turned it into a club day.

Paul took to the big lathe and demonstrated a bit of thread cutting with Matthew looking on followed by a couple of bowls.

Geoff Horsefield brought in his own small lathe and was turning decorative light pulls. The decoration was to turn a groove into the circumference and fill it with glitter mixed with super glue.

Chris Withall took on one of the small lathes and was turning some small bowls. Was Geoff Hunt telling how it used to be?!!

Dawn brought in her lathe (used to be her dad’s) to get some advice on how to do various projects on it. A nice thing about these club days. You can ask for help and it’s always freely given and also wander around and see how other members tackle different tasks.

Fred Taylor was on another lathe demonstrating the use of polishing mops to put a shine on pieces which may be more easily polished by holding them against a mop instead of on the lathe. Sorry Fred. I didn’t get a photo of you in action.

All in all it was a nice relaxed and enjoyable day. I had to leave at lunch time but I’m sure the atmosphere carried on into the afternoon.

For our next meeting on 14th July we will have Andy Coates demonstrating. Andy’s website shows a variety of examples of his work including off set turning, colouring and textured work. What will he do for us? Come along on the 14th and all will be revealed.


Notice board


We are going to have a BBQ at the Fruiterers Arms on Saturday 18th August. The start time will be 3.00 pm. Hopefully a copy of the menu will be available shortly with the cost per person.


We have nearly run out of items to sell at our events to go towards the charity that we might be supporting (depends on the venue). If you have something you can donate or want to sell and give 10% to charity would you bring it along to the next meeting please. We do ask though that if you want to sell it in this way that you either spend the day with us or come along and collect any unsold items at the end of the show.

This notice is too late for the rare breeds show but we have Farming World coming up later in the year.